{ Day 2 } 藍色多瑙河?? the Blue Danube??
也是皇宮附近的蝴蝶館 溫室的外觀 我們決定要去多瑙河的河畔看看, 估計大約2到3公里, 摩天輪是小意思, 拍完這個我都有暈車的感覺了~ 什麼........天暗了......八點多了吧. 多瑙河在哪裡@@ 花了三個多小時, 好不容易找到多瑙河.....還是不知道多瑙河的顏色......因為天已經全黑了 走三個小時, 在多瑙河岸邊休息20分鐘,
門票4.5歐 (好像是學生價, 忘記了)
小小的蝴蝶館, 大約就這樣子的兩倍大
The butterfly house
又餓又累了~~~ 再來三球義大利冰淇淋邊走邊吃 XD
要長途散步, 多少需要點補給品~~
I'm tired and hungry.
So......Italian ice cream again!!! lol
拿著地圖, 好~ 走吧!!
We decided to take a walk to the bank, for seeing the Danube is blue or not?
It's about 2 or 3 kilometers, we assumed.
Prater公園的摩天輪, 結果就是因為路過看得太開心, 一直沒發現走錯路了
The wheel!! But there is something much more exciting!!!!!!!!!!
I felt sick after taking this video..........
And we didn't note that we went to a wrong direction..... /_\
It's getting dark!! Why we haven't seen the bank yet??
After 3 hours, it was almost 10pm, we saw Danube in the dark......
I still wonder what the colour of Danube is.......
迷路也是有好處, 因為可以看到晚上的漂亮建築
But it was a beautiful mistake to get lost.
We saw the brilliant night scenes!!!
The City Hall