
[Day 1] 愛丁堡新市區街景 Edinburgh New Town

經過四個小時的車程, 我到了愛丁堡,

照著地圖找到住的地方 Bus Station Backpackers,
便宜(6人 dorm 每晚16 pounds), 乾淨, 生意好.
主人又很熱心, 先給張地圖介紹附近有什麼好玩好看的.

放好東西, 就在附近走走晃晃.

再回英國, 雖然東西看起來已經比去年便宜了.....
(現在新台幣60塊對1鎊, 去年最高到新台幣68塊對1鎊,
那時候我想, 回台灣就算餐餐吃小火鍋我都會覺得怎麼這麼便宜~~)

最後還是決定找到Tesco買冷凍糖醋雞跟咖哩飯, 回hostel可以微波, 當兩天晚餐.

This time, it was more easy for me to spend pounds (coz the appreciation of Euro).
But I was still always looking for Costa and Subway, bought a large coffee and 6-inch today's special for lunch.
And I bought the frozen sweet & sour chicken with rice for dinners.
(Tesco just likes an old friend I haven't seen in a long time~~~~!! Miss it!!)
I tried to travel in an economic way, at least not spend my pounds on British foods!! lol

