
[ Day 3 ] 郊區的腓特烈堡 Frederiksborg Slot

腓特烈堡, 書上寫是丹麥最美的城市, 在哥本哈根的郊區,坐火車40分鐘就到了.
We took the train to "the most beautiful city of Denmark."

個人覺得火車很讚耶~ 平穩舒服又乾淨. 還有電子看板報站名

Kindergarten kids!!!! They are the group of human that I love most.
But only if I be with them within 1 hour. HaHa~

Yifei's Dictum Today:
Then we passed a graveyard on the way from railway station to Frederiksborg Slot.
Yifei said, "I love graveyard!!"
Chao, "............................."
Yifei, "Yes!! A graveyard always makes me feel peaceful!!"
Chao, "A park can makes you feel peaceful as well!! Isn't it?!!"
Yifei, "But a park is boring. I have something to read if I walk in a graveyard!"
Chao, "............................."

走到腓特烈堡的湖邊, 又遇到幼稚園小朋友了~~~
最左手邊的弟弟, 你的手在幹麻!!? 哈哈!!
Then we met the kindergarten kids again.
I asked for taking picture for them. :D
What is the leftest boy doing? haha~
Hey man, behave your hand!
小朋友才1到4歲. 也因為他們 我發現丹麥人給小朋友穿衣服的習慣!!!
丹麥小朋友都會帶可愛的毛帽. 然後穿整套工作服.
這樣就不用怕小朋友搞得髒兮兮, 所以小朋友也都很自由的爬來爬去.
