[ Day 6 ] 旅館後面的山丘 going up the hill
繞了一大圈, 我們莫名奇妙的爬上船旅館後方的山丘,
可以遠眺河岸全景, 也可以看到整艘船
We went up the hill behind the hostel, where we can have a full view of the bank!
Yifei's Dictum Today:
One night, we were lying in bed and chatting about the problems about love.
Yifei said, "Some one told me......愛情就像大便,只有在一開始是熱的!!!"
It means......"The common point of LOVE and SHIT is that both of them are only hot at the very beginning!"
Well, it is not my opinion! ╮(﹀_﹀")╭
The living room is on the first floor of the hostel.