
[ Day 3 ] 哥本哈根新港 New Harbor

從植物園又走到新港, 這裡停了很多私人或觀光船, 還有一整排的餐廳酒吧,
決定找間餐廳吃晚飯, 然後等著看新港的夜景
We walked to New Harbor and tried to find a restaurant for dinner. Then we can enjoy the night scenes of New Harbor, ideally.

這小蝦~ 看起來比實際上好吃 :P
結果因為整天走下來太餓了,30分鐘內就解決了晚餐,後來又多坐到不好意思,只好走了. 這時候才六點多.
However, we were too hungry after the whole day walking travel. So we finished our dinner in 30 minutes. It was only 6pm.

突然變得好冷, 我們在外面到處晃晃, 看看能不能晃到天黑. 但是還要到八點半太陽才下山@@
In the chilling cold wind, we started to complaint about why the sunset is so late!!!!

最後受不了~放棄看夜景 回旅館去了
Finally, we gave up the plan of night scenes seeing......

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